11 years !!
The Last Day Of Schooling le!
i ended up my schooling life today !it will be the last day for me to sitting in the class studying..chatting..fool around le !!i have been tis kind of lifestyle for 11 years in tis school!
6.30-wake up..
7.30 reach school..
8.30 - 3.45 in the school..
8.30 - 3.45 in the school..
4.30 reach home...
i had follow tis timetable for 11 years !!omg ~freaking long time..!!
really feel ''em shek dak '' my school..frens..buddy..teachers..
today early in the morning ..we gather up for the rehersal of the graduation day !!firstly i dun think tat i wanna attend !coz nid to pay for rm 70 ringgit !!tis week really broke lar..and i dun wanna take it from my tat !is tat stupid ..i wonder !!haha..
we repeated a few times ...about the step and position !i`m so glad tat i have a principle Ms.Olive in our school !she really is a active and frinedly person !!her appearance is so cool !!...when the rehersal start ..its really grand and formal !!when we walk around the hall..those music and the surrounding area really give me a strong feel tat makes me think back a lot of memories years ago!!
SR 5Grace
holding the hands... cheese~
i will never forget those thing i meet up !!its grows me a lot !!=)
after lunch i keep on taking photo tgt wit my buddy ...as a memories !!
[Elephant & faye & background turtle !!]
at here i wanna specially thx to nico,gee,shook, jy,suh,judy,grace,lai ,turtle,bian ,tact,kew,kenn,justin,leon...
taught me a lot and always on my side !!muahx..
finally the bell rang !!...i hugged them...as a big BYE and THANK YOU !!
firstly i`m still okie...but when i saw nico and gee comes to me !! i hugged them hardly...my tear are flowing around le !! three years best frinedship in my life !!i love u guys !!
bye dude~
P/s:dun show the ass pls !!XD
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